Ha Giang Ha Giang
Th, 01/08
1 Passengers

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Results from Ha Giang to Ha Giang on Thursday, 01 August 2024

Departure Arrival Price

2 days
Th, 01/08

Ha Giang
Fr, 02/08

Dong Van
3,000,000 đ


3 days
Th, 01/08

Ha Giang
Sa, 03/08

Du Gia
3,500,000 đ


4 days
Th, 01/08

Ha Giang
Su, 04/08

Tam Son
4,500,000 đ

We obtained these fares directly from the transport providers. Please note that search results may differ from the actual timetables and prices at the time of booking, and that we are not responsible for delays in the services. For more information, read our Terms of Use.

How to get around Ha Giang

The easiest way to get around Ha Giang is by motorbike.

What is the Ha Giang Loop?

The Ha Giang Loop is one of most scenic routes by motorbike in Vietnam.

Travellers can ride a motorbike and admire the most stunning and picturesque landscapes in northern Vietnam, discover historial sites and places of interest, and immerse in the local culture of the ethnic groups living in the highlands of Ha Giang province.

Most of the tours operating the Ha Giang Loop include the following highlights:

  • - Bac Sum Pass, Tham Ma Pass, Chin Khoanh Pass and Ma Pi Leng Pass, some of the highest mountain passes in Vietnam with incredible panoramic views.
  • - Dong Van Karst Plateau, a limestone mountain range declared as UNESCO Global Geopark.
  • - Hmong King's Palace, home of Vuong family in Sa Phin.
  • - Nho Que river, which can be navigated by boat.
  • - Lung Tam village, inhabited by Hmong ethnic minorities skillful with textile products.
  • - Lung Khuy cave with impressive stalactites and stalagmites.

How long does it take to complete the Ha Giang Loop?

The Ha Giang Loop can be completed in 2, 3 or 4 days, depending on the tour selected.

  • - The 2-Day 1-Night Tour usually comprises 240 km with one stop overnight in Dong Van.
  • - The 3-Day 2-Night Tour usually comprises 350 km with two stops overnight in Dong Van and Du Gia.
  • - The 4-Day 3-Night Tour usually comprises 370 km with three stops overnight in Dong Van, Du Gia and Quan Ba.

For safety reasons, travellers should ride during daylight and stop after dark since there is limited visibility on the roads.

How long does it take to get from Ha Giang to Dong Van?

It takes around 8 hours to get from Ha Giang to Dong Van by motorbike crossing Bac Sum Pass, Tham Ma Pass and Chin Khoanh Pass. On the way, riders can stop in Quan Ba town and Yen Minh town.

Alternatively, you can travel from Ha Giang to Dong Van and return from Dong Van to Ha Giang by bus.

How long does it take to get from Dong Van to Du Gia?

It takes around 8 hours to get from Dong Van to Du Gia by motorbike crossing Ma Pi Leng Pass. On the way, riders can stop in Meo Mac town and Mau Due town.

How long does it take to get from Du Gia to Ha Giang?

It takes around 4 hours to get from Du Gia to Ha Giang by motorbike crossing Bac Sum Pass. On the way, riders can stop in Quan Ba town.

What types of tours operate the Ha Giang Loop?

There is one tour company operating the Ha Giang Loop.

Hong Hao operates motorbike tours for small groups limited to 12 people. The participants can choose between driving a motorbike themselves (Self Drive) or riding a motorbike with a driver (Easy Rider).

In all cases, tour participants should be prepared for long periods of riding up and down through curved roads. Weather conditions can change quickly in the mountainous areas so participants should bring appropriate clothing, suncream and raincoat.

Do I need an international driving license if I want to drive a motorbike on the Ha Giang Loop?

Yes, definitely. There are many police checkpoints distributed along the Ha Giang Loop. Local policemen regularly stop drivers to inspect their vehicles and check their driver licenses. Foreign nationals driving motorbikes will be requested to present a Vietnamese driving license or an International driving license & original driving license class A1 or A valid to drive motorbikes.

The fine for driving a motorbike in Vietnam without a valid driving license is 1.5 to 2 million VND and the vehicle will be impounded.

Driving a motorbike in Vietnam without a valid license could also affect the validity of the individual travel insurance and not receive coverage in case of accident.

Where does the tour for the Ha Giang Loop depart?

Most tours operating the Ha Giang Loop depart from the tour offices located downtown Ha Giang.

For more information about travelling by bus from Hanoi to Ha Giang, please read our Bus Guide in Vietnam.

Where does the tour for the Ha Giang Loop finish?

Most tours operating the Ha Giang Loop finish at the tour offices located downtown Ha Giang.

For more information about travelling by bus from Ha Giang to Hanoi, please read our Bus Guide in Vietnam.

Where to travel next from Ha Giang?

From Ha Giang, you can return to Hanoi or continue traveling by bus to other destinations in Northern Vietnam, such as Sapa, Cat Ba, Ha Long and Ninh Binh.

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