Quy Nhon Da Lat
Tu, 30/04
1 Passengers

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Results from Quy Nhon to Da Lat on Tuesday, 30 April 2024

Departure Arrival Price

7h 30m
Tu, 30/04

BIG C Quy Nhon
We, 01/05

Hoang Dieu
950,000 đ

9h 00m
Tu, 30/04

Vo Lieu
Tu, 30/04

Dan Kia
820,000 đ

9h 00m
Tu, 30/04

Vo Lieu
Tu, 30/04

Dan Kia
820,000 đ

We obtained these fares directly from the transport providers. Please note that search results may differ from the actual timetables and prices at the time of booking, and that we are not responsible for delays in the services. For more information, read our Terms of Use.

How to get from Quy Nhon to Da Lat

The easiest way to travel from Quy Nhon to Da Lat is by bus.

How far is Da Lat from Quy Nhon?

The travel distance between Quy Nhon and Da Lat is 330 km. The best option to travel from Quy Nhon to Da Lat is taking a bus.

How long does it take to get from Quy Nhon to Da Lat?

It takes 6-7 hours to get from Quy Nhon to Da Lat by bus.

What types of buses operate the route Quy Nhon to Da Lat?

There are two bus companies running the route Quy Nhon to Da Lat.

An Phu operates double-deck sleeper buses equipped with fixed berths and capacity for 40–44 passengers.

Queen Cafe operates double-deck sleeper buses equipped with fixed berths and capacity for 32 passengers.

For more information about travelling by bus, please read our Bus Guide in Vietnam.

Where does the bus from Quy Nhon to Da Lat depart?

Most buses from Quy Nhon to Da Lat depart from BIG C located at Kim Cuc Plaza, Ghenh Rang, Quy Nhơn.

Please arrive to the point of departure at least 30-60 minutes before the scheduled departure time. Note that some bus companies will organize the transfer of passengers from the point of departure to the bus terminal by shuttle bus, therefore customers must show up in advance or risk missing the bus.

Where does the bus from Quy Nhon to Da Lat arrive?

Most buses from Quy Nhon to Da Lat arrive at the representative offices of the bus companies located in Pham Ngu Lao Street, Ward 3, Da Lat.

Where to travel next from Da Lat?

From Da Lat, you can go by bus to Nha Trang, Ho Chi Minh, Buon Ma Thuot or fly to Da Nang, Hoi An, Hue, Hanoi and Can Tho.