Nagoya Hiroshima
Th, 01/08
1 Passengers

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Results from Nagoya to Hiroshima on Thursday, 01 August 2024

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How to get from Nagoya to Hiroshima

The easiest way to travel from Nagoya to Hiroshima is by train.

How far is Nagoya from Hiroshima?

The travel distance between Nagoya and Hiroshima is 500 km. There is no direct flight from Nagoya to Hiroshima, the only option to travel is by train.

How long does it take to get from Nagoya to Hiroshima?

It takes 2-3 hours to get from Nagoya to Hiroshima by train.

What types of trains operate the route Nagoya to Hiroshima?

There is one railway company operating trains on the route Nagoya to Hiroshima.

JR operates the Tokaido-Sanyo Shinkansen high-speed train between Tokyo and Fukuoka stopping in Nagoya and Hiroshima.

There are three types of services on the Tokaido-Sanyo Shinkansen: Nozomi and Mizuho are the fast services stopping only at key stations, Hikari and Sakura are the semi-fast services stopping at the major stations and Kodama is the local service stopping at all stations.

Shinkansen trains carry Green Cars with business class seats and Ordinary Cars with standard class seats distributed in Reserved and Non-reserved. In total, the Shinkansen trains offer three passengers classes: Reserved Seat (Green Car), Reserved Seat (Ordinary Car) and Non-reserved Seat.

Travellers with Reserved Seat tickets are required to take their numbered seat in the Green Cars or the Ordinary Cars. Travellers with Non-reserved Seat tickets are allowed to take any seat available only in the Ordinary Cars designated as Non-reserved.

For more information about travelling by train, please read our Train Guide in Japan.

Where do trains from Nagoya to Hiroshima depart?

Trains on the Tokaido-Sanyo Shinkansen line depart from Nagoya Station located in Nakamura-ku, Nagoya.

Passengers are requested to arrive at the station 30 minutes before the scheduled departure time to complete the boarding procedures or risk missing the train.

Where do trains from Nagoya to Hiroshima arrive?

Trains on the Tokaido-Sanyo Shinkansen line arrive at Hiroshima Station located in Minami-ku, Hiroshima.

Where to travel next from Hiroshima?

From Hiroshima, you can go by train to Fukuoka, Okayama, Himeji, Kobe and Osaka on the Sanyo Shinkansen, or fly to Sapporo, Sendai, Tokyo or Naha in Okinawa.

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