Hue Dong Hoi
Mo, 20/05
1 Passengers

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Results from Hue to Dong Hoi on Monday, 20 May 2024

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How to get from Hue to Dong Hoi

The easiest way to travel from Hue to Dong Hoi is by train.

How far is Dong Hoi from Hue?

The travel distance between Hue and Dong Hoi is 168 km. The best option to travel from Hue to Dong Hoi is taking a train.

How long does it take to get from Hue to Dong Hoi?

It takes 3 hours to get from Hue to Dong Hoi by train.

Depending on the traffic, sometimes the bus arrives 30 minutes earlier or later than scheduled. The train usually departs and arrives on time.

What types of trains operate the route Hue to Dong Hoi?

There are two types of train services running the route Hue to Dong Hoi that are managed by two operators: Vietnam Railways and private railway companies.

The state-owned railway company Vietnam Railways operates its own set of passenger coaches. Passenger cars are divided in four classes: Hard seat, Soft seat, Soft bed in compartments for 1-4 passengers and Hard bed in compartments for 1-6 passengers.

The private railway companies Laman Express, Damitrans Express, Halo Express, New Livitrans Express, Violette Trains and Lotus Train operate their own passengers cars attached to the trains hauled by Vietnam Railways, hence depart and arrive according to the same schedule. The coaches operated by the private railway companies provide a higher level of comfort, with luxury cabins decorated with wooden floor and cozy soft beds. The service also includes bottled water and snacks. Passenger cars are divided in two classes: Sleeper 2-Berth in compartments for 1-2 passengers and Sleeper 4-Berth in compartments for 1-4 passengers.

For more information about travelling by train, please read our Train Guide in Vietnam.

Where does the train from Hue to Dong Hoi depart?

Trains on the North-South railway line depart from Hue Railway Station located at 01 Bui Thi Xuan, Hue.

Please arrive to the station 30 minutes before the scheduled departure time to complete the boarding procedures or risk missing the train.

Where does the train from Hue to Dong Hoi arrive?

Trains on the North–South railway line arrive at Dong Hoi Railway Station located at Tieu Khu 4, Nam Ly Ward, Dong Hoi.

Where to travel next from Dong Hoi?

From Dong Hoi, you can go to Ninh Binh or Hanoi by train to continue traveling to other destinations in Northern Vietnam, such as Ha Long, Cat Ba, Ha Giang, Sapa, Mu Cang Chai, Cao Bang, Bac Kan, Mai Chau and Moc Chau.